Welcome to Misneach Therapy! I offer a range of treatments that help bring about balance and reconnection in body, mind and spirit. My aim is to tailor treatments to individual needs based on consultation. These treatments have numerous benefits including:
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Boosting immunity
- Helping recover sleep patterns
- Increasing lymphatic drainage therefore aiding detoxification
- Increasing circulation
- Increasing energy
- Reducing muscular aches and pains
- Increase Feelings of wellbeing and balance
- Removing blockages so the body can heal naturally
- Helping digestive issues such as I.B.S
- Improving headaches, migraines, allergies, sinusitis and tinnitus
I offer Holistic Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Sports Massage and Tui Na (Chinese medical massage).
When there is a blockage of energy in one area it will impact on mental/emotional, physical or spiritual levels. Holistic Therapies take the whole person into account to help find the blockages and help you to reconnect to your innate wellness.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy work which can reduce stress and encourage relaxation. This energy work has a healing nature. It uses what is known as ‘life force energy’, the energetic force that animates us. When our life force energy isn’t high, we can feel sick or stressed out. When it’s high we are more able to feel healthy and our mood improves.
What Does Reiki Mean?
The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words – Rei and Ki.
Rei comes from a term meaning “The Wisdom of the Higher Power”. Ki means “life force energy”. So one definition of Reiki is, “The Life Force Energy Guided By the Higher Power “.
During a Reiki treatment, you will feel a wonderful feeling of energy flowing, glowing and radiating through and around you. Reiki treats the whole you, including your body, mind, spirit and emotions. Some its many beneficial effects include feelings of peace, relaxation, sense of security and wellbeing. And more…
Reiki Cork
Reiki is a simple, safe and natural method of bringing about healing and self-improvement. It’s suitable for anyone. To book a Reiki Session in Cork, please contact Lindsay Angus today on 085 772 1617.